A New School Year for Spellbinders

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Spellbinders Survey last May. We have taken your feedback into consideration in our planning for this year. What people requested most was articles about writing both for sharing with students and for personal use. Another request was for librarian and teacher interviews. With that in mind, we have created a great line up of authors, some of whom are librarians and teachers. They will all be sharing writing tips that will get adults and students alike revved up for writing.
Several people asked for more links to articles and sites of interest to teachers and librarians. Caroline will be including those at the end of her monthly articles on Classroom Connections.
You also indicated that you wanted us to keep our weekly format. The schedule will be as follows:
First Monday - Writing Tips from an Author/Librarian/Teacher
Second Monday - The Secret Language of Stories by Carolee
Third Monday - Kimberley's Book Buzz
Fourth Monday - Caroline's Classroom Connections
We announced the winners of last May's survey at the end of the school year, but a couple of you have not responded. Please contact Carolee at caroleedean@yahoo.com so we can send you your books. Stay tuned, there will be lots of contests and prizes this year!
Chris Victor - Won CIRCLE OF SECRETS by Kimberley Griffiths Little
Dori Fonda - Won MAY B. by Caroline Starr Rose
We will see you next Monday when Carolee presents an overview of The Secret Language of Stories, the twelve step plot system she uses to create her books and to teach story analysis to struggling students.
Until then...

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