We'd like to welcome all the librarians from NMLA who signed up to receive SPELLBINDERS - we're so glad to have you here! Please remember to peruse our SPELLBINDER Blog and read all the past issues as you scroll down. There have been some terrific articles and book lists on so many different topics. We really don't want anyone to miss an issue. Classroom teaching ideas, interviews, etc.
We like to do things a little differently in May since we know everyone is busy wrapping up the school year and headed off for summer vacation.
For the last issue of the school year, we feature a "SPELLBINDERS LUNCH" where Carolee and Kimberley kick back and relax before taking our own break for the summer.
Though we must admit that your friendly Spellbinders are having a little difficulty kicking back this month. Carolee presented at the NMLA conference on April 29th, and Kimberley flew to Utah on May 7th for the Whitney Award Banquet where The Healing Spell won the award for the Best Youth Novel of 2010!
And both of us are so busy with rewrites on our new novels, that we had to have a virtual lunch by phone.
Here is Carolee with her Mother's Day flowers, her gourmet chicken salad from Dion's pizzeria, and her manuscript for NO WAY OUT (working title).
And here is Kimberley with her manuscript for CIRCLE OF SECRETS, and... what's that beautiful award? Did you win the Whitney?
Kimberley: Yes, I did! The ceremony was just like the Oscars with The Envelope and I gave an acceptance speech and everyone dressed up for a lovely dinner. I heard later that everyone loved my Cajun accent! There was some really stiff competition in my category, too. Authors like Carol Lynch Williams, Dean Hughes and Janette Rallison were also Finalists among dozens of wonderful nominees.
Kimberley with the crystal engraved Whitney Award for 2010! |
Carolee: Kim, I can't believe our lives have gotten so busy that we've resorted to virtual lunches. At least we found time to connect via technology.
Kimberley: How were your presentations at the New Mexico Library Association two weeks ago?
Carolee: Great. It was a lot of fun presenting with the very talented Uma Krishnaswami. I have tons of writing activities on my blog related to our presentation on using picture books with teens. Activities for NMLA Presentation.
Kimberley: I hope everyone checks out your link and enjoys some fun summer writing!
Carolee: How are rewrites coming along for CIRCLE OF SECRETS?
Kimberley: I'm done at last! Advanced Reading Copies are being sent to reviewers and book bloggers across the country. I love the cover, which was painted by the very talented artist, Erin McGuire. Once again, Scholastic has outdone themselves on the design and it will be published October 1. Look for it in the Scholastic Book Fairs, too. CIRCLE OF SECRETS is a ghost story with a mysterious charm bracelet and secret notes in a blue bottle tree.

Tell us about what you're working on, Carolee.
Carolee: My new project is a novel in verse, which is a new format for me. My books always contain poetry, but I've never written one that was entirely in verse. Correction-- it's mostly in verse. There are several sections that are written like scenes from a play.
Kimberley: That sounds very intriguing. You used to write screenplays, right?
Carolee: I've attempted a few. Something else that was new for me this time around were the supernatural elements. There are several ghosts. No charm bracelets, but plenty of ravens.
Oh dear, sorry but I have to go! My daughter is on Call Waiting. She's graduating from college this week and we need to firm up our plans. Then the next weekend my son is graduating from high school, followed by my youngest graduating from middle school. To top it all off, I need to get in shape because they all voted on white water rafting for this year's family vacation. Ugh! How do they talk me into these things?
Kimberley: Wow, please survive all the graduations, Carolee - and enjoy the rafting!
I hope everyone will take some time this summer to read a book. Enjoy a new author, or reread a favorite. Read with your kids, your grand-kids, the kids in your neighborhood. Sit in the shade, sip lemonade - but always take time for stories in your life! I'm looking forward to catching up on all the Newbery Honor books - just got them from the local library. Check out your local independent bookstores, too!
And do something fun and different by perusing a few author's websites over the summer, and enjoy getting to know how writers work and what makes them tick. Many websites have lots of activities for kids, too. Teacher's Guides and Book Club Guides. And there's a terrific Mother-Daughter Book Club Website, too.
Carolee: Hey, there's a great idea! Start a neighborhood or church or family book club with the friends you know. Read books, talk books, savor books!
Happy Summer, everybody! See you in October!